A Transition for the Future: Formation of LindaDAO and upcoming Airdrop

4 min readDec 29, 2023


As we’re nearing the end of 2023 and the start of a new year, we would like to share some of our thoughts and plans for the beginning of the new year.

We’re planning to expand and with that comes a need to incorporate the building blocks for decentralization. Our idea is to form a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) as a non-singular entity that will ultimately make the decisions to shape the management and direction of Linda. The purpose is to gradually shift the control from any one individual or group to that of collective governing by token holders through casting votes.

LindaDAO and Governance Token

The LINDA token is at its core a community memecoin. It is very likely that the majority of both existing and future Linda (LINDA) token holders will simply hold and/or freely trade it without further engaging in other aspects such as voting. Hence forth the creation of the governance token LindaDAO (LDAO) with a clear separation of its intended purpose which is for voting. What we hope to achieve is to lay a strong foundation for support and the long-term growth of LINDA. A system must be put in place so that when hundreds or thousands come, there is an organized process for new members to get involve should they wish to.

We will focus on providing a platform for active members to engage with. This is the best time to detail out this supporting layer which will empower our community and take the future growth to the next level.

The originating team behind Linda has mainly focus on the business and technological development side. This touches upon networking within Linea L2 and efforts made towards integration within the wider Linea ecosystem. We will continue to strive to bring more exposure for Linda and believe that the introduction of the LindaDAO will not only be a catalyst for growth but in time can be utilized to facilitate rewards and marketing.

Token holders and contributors could make a proposal in which LindaDAO can vote upon. Through the decentralized process, we believe that the collective minds of the DAO can exist to help fill in gaps and better improve upon the operations and marketing fronts. By aligning interests, this serves multiple purposes as it will increase and incentivize engagement, reward contributors who promote the growth of both the DAO and of the Linda community, and further ensure the longevity of Linda. Along with that, part of what we envision is a correlating relationship where the DAO can proposal something, for example an idea or integration, and the Team will bring that decision to fruition. While ‘Team’ was made in reference, it could be the originating team or even an informal group who wishes to contribute. This opens up the idea that in the future, there can be multiple groups working both sole and together in some related development or aspect that further grows Linda.

Brief Overview of Structure:

At the base layer is LINDA representing the fundamental token itself and characteristic parts such as its ideals, mission, culture, and so forth.

Everything that is built or related to it sits on top. Core components include the Linda Community, Team, Ecosystem, and more.

For Visual Representation

DAO: the component we will introduce that’s part of the general community component is the beginning stages of forming a DAO. We want to design and build out a platform for members of the community who want to take a more active role and having a say in shaping out what Linda will become. In the early stages, the team will help facilitate the DAO to get things up and running. The end goal is for the DAO to eventually take over most or all aspects.

Team: a bit has been mentioned above but in essence, the team component consists of the originating team and other groups that wishes to make improvements upon Linda such as through developmental code or application integrations. This correlates highly to the Ecosystem portion and deals with the expansion and growth of that segment.

Ecosystem: this is a broad component focusing on anything that’s part of or related in some way to Linda on the blockchain side of things as well as third-party applications and the different parts that fall outside that category. In regards to Linea Network, it encapsulates the connections formed and the protocols integrated which intertwines with Linda. The team will reach out to certain new protocols that are anticipated to arrive on Linea Network in 2024. The overall idea is for Linda to be at every corner of the network for any new user that bridges to Linea.

DAO Airdrop

With the new upcoming LindaDAO, we’re aiming to have a wide distribution of the governance token to get them into the wallets of many people. Part of that initiative is conducting an airdrop. Similar to how we rewarded out our LFCN NFT collection, the main requirement will be for users to hold Linda (LINDA) tokens. No snapshots have been taken yet and more details will be announce soon. Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on the latest info and to avoid any scams/phishing attempts.

Linda Official Links
Website: https://lindathedog.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LindaOnLinea
Telegram (ANN): https://t.me/LindaOnLinea




Mascot of the Linea Network. Linda is the main community dog memecoin launched on the Linea Network, a L2 zkEVM Rollup by Consensys. https://lindathedog.com/